Faculty Director; Latin I, History, Bible, Study Skills
Pam holds a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction, with certifications in both Special Education and as a Reading Specialist.
She has more than 40 years of experience as a teacher and an educational diagnostician/learning specialist, including 10 years homeschooling her 2 daughters. Pam is a founding teacher and Faculty Director for Signal Mountain Christian Coop, where she teaches History, Latin, Bible, and Study Skills for this group of Middle School homeschool students. Pam is also on the faculty of Hilger Higher Learning, where she serves as department chair and has helped develop all of the middle and high school history and social studies classes for this cooperative that provides supplemental education classes for Chattanooga area homeschool students. Pam teaches all Hilger high school social studies classes, including American Government, Economics, U.S. History, World History, and Cultural World Geography. In 2014 Pam was awarded the Chattanooga Chapter of Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge Distinguished Teacher Award. Additionally, Pam continues her part-time private practice as an Educational Intervention and Learning Specialist.
Actively involved at her home church of Signal Mountain Presbyterian, Pam leads a weekly evening women’s Bible Study. She also serves on the board of Cru High School Ministry (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ). Pam and her husband, Jim, have been married since 1982 and have a loveable, rambunctious golden retriever named Huckleberry. Pam and Jim are the parents of 2 grown daughters, Emily and Catherine, who is married to their son-in-law, Jimmy. Pam enjoys reading, hiking, travel and discipling youth and women. She shares her passion for teaching history and government with Jim, who is an attorney in private practice, an ADF-trained and affiliated attorney, an SMCC board member, and teaches government classes at the undergraduate and graduate college level. Her family also shares a passion for missions and evangelism.