Language Arts - Literature, Grammar, & Writing
Born in Iowa, raised on a dairy farm in Wisconsin, I discovered at Covenant College that even the South is cold in winter. After falling in love with my husband and Chattanooga, we settled in Tennessee and have since filled our home with 5 children except when the 3 older ones are at college. I graduated from Covenant in 1995 with a B.A. in English and then taught English at Gordon Lee Middle School for four years. Since leaving the classroom I have tutored homeschool students, edited for friends and newsletters, and written a few newspaper articles. I love sharing books and how much we learn about our Creator, our world, and each other through books. Homeschooling has enabled me to fill our home with books, or at least that has been my excuse. If I’m not reading or writing, I might be found outside thinking up new plants for the yard or in the kitchen encouraging independent meal prep, and occasionally cooking, or just grocery shopping again.